JUSTNature at The Nature of Cities Festival

17 June 2024
Our partners from Prospex Institute and the City of Munich held the session 'Bridging perspectives: co-creating Nature-based Solutions across disciplines'

On Thursday 6th of June 2024, the Prospex Institute team, together with Alice Reil from the City of Munich, participated in The Nature of Cities festival in Berlin, representing the JUSTNature project. The team held a session called “Bridging perspectives: co-creating Nature-based Solutions across disciplines”, which gathered approximately 30 participants from different countries and with diverse professional backgrounds.

After a short presentation of both the JUSTNature and VARCITIES projects, our colleagues presented the idea for the City of Munich's Nature-based Solution in the context of JUSTNature: the intervention of a school courtyard. The project was presented as it was conceived prior to its actual development.

Afterwards, the session's participants were divided into multidisciplinary working groups, and were invited to discuss what they would propose for the design of the schoolyard. They thus brainstormed about potential solutions - the group work was facilitated by Alice Reil, from the City of Munich, and Francesca Ferrara, from the Prospex Institute. The participants then gathered back in the plenary and exchanged their different visions and proposals of the courtyard. The activity resulted in lively discussions and showcased a variety of perspectives, which in turn reflected the diverse characteristics of the participants.

At the end of the session, our team presented the course of the JUSTNature project and the actual outcomes of the project’s co-creation process. The JUSTNature flyers from Munich were made available for the participants as well.

All in all, the session successfully demonstrated how the co-creation process was conducted in JUSTNature, taking advantage of the multiplicity of voices, and building our Nature-based Solutions collaboratively and inclusively.