Our work

Here you can find content related to our project framework, methodology, impact, project network, and dissemination materials.

Project Framework

The overall project design and methodology is composed of 3 phases with distinct though strongly intertwined work packages.

I) exploration    II) innovation practice    III) up-scaling

The project duration will develop across 54 months.


Through our integrated and transdisciplinary framework, we expect to reach the following impact:

Increased evidence and awareness of the benefits of re-naturing cities.

Creation of ‘communities of practice’ which is tested, well-documented, upscalable, and marketable NbS.

Enhanced stakeholder and citizen ownership of the solutions.

Enhanced implementation of relevant policies and programmes.

The creation of a European reference framework and the establishment of EU leadership in a new global market for nature-based solutions.

City Practice Labs

The JUSTNature project selects seven CiPeLs that are situated in different contexts, characterized by a high diversity of demographic, linguistic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds across a variety of biogeographical areas such as Mediterranean, Alpin, Atlantic or Continental. The CiPeLs facilitate a nexus of research and development through the co-development with key actors of a community of practice such as public administration, Small-Medium Enterprises, civil society organizations and citizens.


‘ThinkNature’ and ‘URBAN GreenUP’, other H2020 projects such as ‘Clever cities’, ‘Connecting Nature’ or ‘Nature4cities’ have signed up to a common manifesto that guides the cities’ NbS adoption. JUSTNature will build on these commitments.

Moreover, JUSTNature established networks and collaborations with others sister projects: UPSURGE and DivAirCity H2020.

Dissemination materials

Here you can download our flyer, brochure, and other public handouts. As the project develops and grows, we aim to establish a library full of interesting and insightful materials. Stay tuned for updates and new dissemination material!