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In this News page we feature all JUSTNature activities undertaken by our project partners. Delve into the pulse of our project through updates on project meetings, workshops, active participation in academic and international conferences, and inspiring success stories emerging from our City Practice Labs.
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Kick-starting the JUST + green interventions at Munich’s St. Anna schoolyard
CiPeLs are collaborating in the 2nd round of Cross-Learning Workshops on NbS between the Twinning Cities
JUSTNature Workshop with Schoolchildren in Stella Maris College
Save the date! JUSTNature welcomes its first green courtyard at Munich’s Bellevue di Monaco
Press release from Merano: the city is a candidate for the Award Klimagemeinde Gold
The 4th Local Stakeholder Workshop in Szombathely
NetworkNature Labs Ideas: JUSTNature selected!
The 4th Local Stakeholder Workshop in Leuven
The 4th Local Stakeholder Workshop in Chania
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