The Crowdhelix webinar "Building the economic framework for Nature-based Solution"

2 January 2024
CrowdHelix Platform for the JUSTNature project

On 26 Sep 2023, the webinar "Building the economic framework for Nature-based Solution" aimed to bring together different actors from the value chain of Nature-based Solution (NbS) to stimulate more interactions and opportunities in the economic framework of NbS.

The event was addressed to academic experts, industry professionals, high-tech SMEs and forward-looking policy makers who want to develop innovations in the field of nature-based solutions, smart cities, urban design and social equity. The webinar discussions generated fruitful insights on:

  • Gain valuable insights into Nature-based Solution start-ups and the co-creation experience of the local community
  • Engaging financial actors for collaboration: Stimulating the commitment of financial actors to collaborate and play an active role in promoting the adoption and implementation of NbS.
  • Promote the establishment of a common ground for climate policy, enabling meaningful discussion and action to address the challenges of climate change.

The webinar was organised into 4 sessions:

  1. Nature-based solutions for the future
  2. Showcase of nature-based solutions from start-ups and SMEs
  3. Models for tendering NbS: the good practice of Leuven
  4. The nature-building helix and the investment ecosystem for NbS.

The webinar provided a rich opportunity to share important insights from different perspectives and to exchange inputs on the implementation of the JUSTNature project, along with nature monitoring methodologies, insights on accelerating change, digital twin technologies for NbS and scaling up opportunities. This first overview of the whole NbS value chain is the beginning of a long-term path in the JUSTNature project to discuss and capitalise experiences for a common ground for climate policy.