Green Facades and Swift Nest Boxes: Further Greening around Constantin Meunierstraat!

Leuven 6 January 2025
Further greening in the neighborhood around Constantin Meunierstraat in Leuven

As part of the JUSTNature project, the neighborhood around Constantin Meunierstraat in Leuven is being further greened. The focus of CiPeL's intervention is not only on enhancing the urban landscape but also on creating a more sustainable and biodiverse environment for local flora and fauna!

One of the Leuven team's key initiatives has been the installation of green facades on several houses: 33 climbing aids and plants have been installed in the Nieuw Kwartier neighborhood! By adding plants to the walls, the aesthetic appeal and microclimate of the area have improved, while also contributing to the overall greening of the city. The design and plant choices were made with the heritage value of the buildings in mind – the plants highlight the historic facades!

Green facades help promote biodiversity by providing living spaces for insects and small animals, they improve air quality by filtering CO2 and fine dust and they cool their environment and the building.

Additionally, swift nest boxes have been installed in the area. The swift, a bird species that is unfortunately becoming increasingly rare in urban areas, depends on nesting sites in tall buildings. By strategically placing these nest boxes, we are providing safe places for the birds to nest and raise their young. This is an important step in preserving the swift population and contributing to local biodiversity!

During the autumn of 2024, the pilot setup in Constantin Meunierstraat has been evaluated together with the local community through surveys and door-to-door conversations. Furthermore, a study was conducted by the assigned designer to assess circulation, parking and the freeing up of space for greenery in the neighborhood. This study was made possible through measurements from the "telraam" sensors —sensors that have been placed in houses throughout the neighborhood to monitor traffic. The results of both the studies and the pilot setup have been translated into design principles for the street and a preliminary design for the redevelopment of both Constantin Meunierstraat and Emile Mathieustraat. This preliminary design will be presented to the neighborhood in the spring during the next "Atelier Meunier" event! The redevelopment works are expected to begin by early 2026.

With these initiatives, we hope to not only green the neighborhood around Constantin Meunierstraat but also make a positive impact on nature and the environment in the city. We are proud of the progress made and look forward to seeing the results as the area continues to thrive. To be continued!