The 2nd Local Stakeholder Workshop in Leuven

Leuven 8 June 2023
Co-design on Constantin Meunierstraat making space for nature-based solutions

On the 8th of May, the city of Leuven welcomed 48 registered visitors from the Constantin Meunierstraat and the neighbourhood to the second Local Stakeholder Workshop (LSW) at the local service center “Edouard Remy.”

The workshop began with a presentation about the outcomes of the first workshop and sharing the ambitious framework of the street’s redevelopment. Participants were informed about the temporary installation, where it would be placed and its possible impacts for the residents.

After the presentation, the participants got divided in groups and got the opportunity to design the street themselves: they co-created a design for a part of the street, making space for nature-based solutions. The outcomes were inspiring for the designers in the Leuven CIPEL. They will take the inspiration along in the designing process of the temporary installation. The workshop was held together with Lama and Sweco, the assigned architects for the redevelopment of the street and the temporary installation.

The next workshop is on June 21st at the Hoornplein. The city of Leuven plans to display the design for the temporary installation and introduce what indicators we will use to measure the ambitions.

We eagerly await the next collaboration!