The JUSTNature Pilot Featured in the Flemish ‘Tijdschrift Publieke Ruimte’

Leuven 13 February 2024
An article was published on our pilot in the Constantin Meunierstraat!

This January, the Flemish Tijdschrift Publieke Ruimte (magazine Public Space) published an article about the JUSTNature pilot in the Constantin Meunierstraat.

Earlier in December 2023, the test installation in the Constantin Meunierstraat was evaluated together with the citizens and students of KU Leuven University.

During the next Local Stakeholder Workshop, which will be taking place in the end of February, results will be shared with the neighbourhood and the next steps for the test installation will be presented.

Our Leuven project team has also been invited to give a session about circularity during the Congress of Public Space in Antwerp in April 2024, showcasing this pilot site. You can find more information about it on

The article on our pilot site in the paper issue of Tijdschrift Publieke Ruimte