The 3rd Local Stakeholder Workshop in Bolzano

Merano & Bolzano 30 November 2023
Finding Nature-based Solutions at the productive area and ensuring a better environment and road safety

On the 21st of September, the city of Bolzano hosted 20 participants at Bolzano Noi Research Center for the third Local Stakeholder Workshop, together with EURAC Research partner.

The workshop gave a summary of the JUSTNature project and the outcome of the socio-economic analysis made in the previous workshop which there was a request for micro intervention on the ground level in the industrial area in order to make the green roof more considered.

Additionally, the workshop asked participants which nature-based solution would be useful in the productive area to ensure a better environment and enhanced road safety for the users. This activity was held through an orthophoto of the productive area and a detailed picture of some proposed interventions on the ground level. Each group of participants could describe the environmental elements the persona experiences during their action; the environmental impacts; and the nature-based solutions which can improve the experiences of the persona through her/his action or in a defined moment. After that a deep definition of one of the proposed NbS was asked, the definition of all the steps and the actors to be involved in implementing that solution.

Many proposed ideas were gathered to be further consideration such as:

  • Public greening of private areas in the productive areas; and public purchasing of trees for private areas.
  • The green roof to a citizens’ sensibilisation and sharing of the experience mattering construction and maintenance with the building owners.
  • The integration of green roofs with nature and biodiversity in order to implement private and public bio solar roofs.