After a busy summer marked with construction works, the St. Anna school in Munich has officially inaugurated its transformed schoolyard, where the JUSTNature green intervention has taken place.

The playground of the St. Anna elementary school and the St. Anna high school in Lehel, Munich, has been transformed into a green oasis - initially for a year. After a co-creation process, during which residents from the neighborhood and school students expressed their thoughts and desires for the new design of the space, the courtyard now features a green outdoor seating area, planted fences, mobile shade islands, more trees, bushes and raised beds.

Our partners at the city of Munich organised an open vernissage for the local residents on October 7th, where the space was officially opened and the whole transformation process, promoted by the JUSTNature project, was explained. During a previous event, the finalised intervention was presented to the school community.
Below: photos by Julia Mende (1 & 2) and by Karen Hupfeld (3 & 4).